
This song will be continuously played in my head as of 30/01/09

"I would still like to wish everyone, a Happy New Year to all of you. May Allah will always blessed us with the happiness that we all wish for every single day. May our hopes will not ever diminish by our everyday problems. May our faith in each other grow stronger each day even if things pushes us to let go of each other. May all our dreams come true even if our everyday struggle with life keeps us away from our dreams. Amin.."
Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry to everyone who had expected something out of my "anniversary" post. Really wanted to make something special. Had only time tonight to post and the connection wasnt too much of a help but Im glad I posted something. Instead of risking in losing everything that I had done due to slow connection, I decided to post what I did so far. Well im off to sleep now. Got lots to do tomorrow morning. Housework and I have to go to the bank too. Bangun awal... Aiyer..Will try to continue and work on it when i can.



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